Village Board
HCCA’s Board of Directors and its representative to the Columbia Association Council are elected by the members of the Association each April to manage the business affairs of HCCA. The Board typically meets on the first Tuesday of each month to discuss issues pertaining to the Harper’s Choice community. Please check our calendar to confirm meeting dates and times.
The nomination period runs from March 1 – March 14. Information and nomination petitions are available at Kahler Hall, via email, or online (see below). The NOMINATION PETITIONS, along with a maximum 150-word CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT in a MS Word format, are due at Kahler Hall by 5:00 pm on March 14. Contact Village Manager Steve Ingley at 410-730-0770 or at manager@harperschoice.org for more information or to email your completed documents.
The Bylaws also provide for a board-appointed Student Member who serves as a voting member of the HCCA Board of Directors. The Student Member serves a one-year term beginning on April 1 and ending on March 31 and has all of the rights and responsibilities of a Board member, with the exception of restrictions against voting on personnel matters, budgetary matters, and matters handled in closed sessions. For more information or to apply for the Student Member position, download the below attachments or contact Village Manager Steve Ingley at 410-730-0770 or manager@harperschoice.org.
The job of the Village Board is to
advocate for residents
provide liaison with other resident groups
manage Kahler Hall and the two neighborhood centers
sponsor special community events
provide representation and support to other associations and government agencies
uphold the Covenants
The board wants to hear from you
Except for an occasional closed session, all meetings of the Harper’s Choice Village board are open meetings. Residents are encouraged to observe meetings and read approved minutes. Residents who wish to address the board are welcome to do so during the resident speak-out forum at the beginning of each business meeting. Here are few tips for participating:
Put your issue in writing. This isn’t mandatory, but some issues may require research by the manager. Also, the board can serve you better if members have time to consider your request.
Call ahead. As a courtesy, the association asks that you phone and let the manager know that you wish to address the board. This also allows us to notify you if a meeting is cancelled for any reason. Our number is 410-730-0770.
Plan your remarks to last three minutes if you are representing yourself or five minutes if you are representing a group. Board members want to hear from residents; however, the meeting agenda is often very full and the time limit ensures that all business gets conducted in a reasonable time frame. If your concern requires more time, please summarize it in the time allotted, and the board will add it to the agenda for the next meeting.
Don’t expect an immediate response. Board members don’t act independently. All issues require discussion and occasionally a vote, either of which may or may not occur during that meeting. Sometimes an immediate answer is possible, but often you won’t get a response until sometime after the meeting.
If you need information, call the manager. The purpose of the resident speak-out is for residents to share opinions and concerns with the board. Residents seeking general information, such as a status report or the board’s position on an issue, often can get a more immediate answer from the manager.
2023-2025 Village Board Members
Rebecca Beall, Chair**
Rosalind Danner, Vice Chair and Assistant Treasurer**
Joel Hurewitz*
​Jennifer Medillin*
Brooke Blain*
Columbia Council Representative
Ashley Vaughan**
Terms Expire April 30, 2025*
Terms Expire April 30, 2026**