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English Ivy is an invasive plant species, not native to Maryland and has no natural predators or pests. Allowed to grow unchecked, English ivy decreases plant diversity and forms a dense monoculture groundcover, suitable for little wildlife except rodents, snakes and mosquitos.

English ivy can Choke and kill the beautiful trees that give our yards and neighborhoods shade and character. What looks like a lovely little green plant can strangle, accelerate rot in our trees, attract mosquitoes to your landscape and cause mature trees to weaken and fall during storms.

Once ivy is in the tree canopy, it can block sunlight from the trees’ leaves. Dense ivy cover deprives the tree’s bark of normal contact with air and microorganisms and competes with the tree for nutrients and water. Ivy is a threat. But you can beat it with simple landscaping work. Check out this website or watch this short video to get helpful tips on removing ivy from your trees.

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